Reiki and the most Profound Healing Possible

Saint Francis of Assisi
Saint Francis of Assisi in Hawaii

I had a conversation last week with a Reiki student. She told me about her friend who decided Reiki was really unnecessary. He decided that it would be just as healing to sit and be fully present with someone who was sick as it would be to give them a Reiki treatment.

Her friend is right.

I believe that being truly present with someone who is sick, in physical pain or even dying, is the most profound healing one person can give another.

Yet, Reiki is what makes it possible for me to be fully present. Reiki supports me in holding the highest healing vibration and most grounded space possible. Reiki makes being present attainable, even effortless, in my healing room and in my daily life.

When I am completely awakened and fully present I will not need Reiki anymore.

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