Carol Kinney Shares About Healing Touch

Carol Kinney, RN, BSN, HNC, HTCP/I
Carol Kinney, RN, BSN, HNC, HTCP/I
Carol Kinney, RN, BSN, HNC, HTCP/I, gave a valuable one-day class last Saturday called “Benefitting Our Clients By Improving Our Skills.”
It was actually an informal and very fun gathering in which Carol answered questions about Healing Touch and told her personal story about her journey as a healer. Carol Kinney started doing Healing Touch in the 1980’s and was instrumental in bringing it to the San Francisco Bay Area. She took all her classes with Janet Mentgen, the founder of Healing Touch.
Attending the talk were practitioners at different levels of their healing journey. One inspired practitioner had just taken her first class two weeks prior. Several Certified Practitioners, myself included, have been working with clients for years. Everyone had interesting questions for Carol, and experiences to share about their own healing practices.
One thing I again realized is how much faster the new students of Healing Touch are catching on to the work. When I assisted Carol’s level three class last year, I saw how easily the students mastered the advanced techniques and accessed the outer levels of the energy field that took me years to perceive.
I believe that consciousness and energy is evolving as more people open up to it. What is possible energetically is expanding. I definitely feel like I have benefitted from the foundation that Carol and other Healing Touch Practitioners have created and I see the new practitioners are now starting off at a much higher energetic level than I did.
Carol made the comment that even ten years ago she almost always had to explain what Healing Touch and energy work was before anyone would sign up for a class. I am sure I was one of those people. Now she finds people are ready to sign up before they even call her.
The Internet and Healing Touch Program website has also contributed to this. More people find out about Healing Touch through friends, family and (hopefully) blogs like mine. Anybody who wants to learn about Healing Touch can go online and research almost everything about Healing Touch before deciding on taking a class or finding a practitioner in their area.
The Healing Touch Community is a very supportive and exciting place to be. Having a teacher, mentor and healer like Carol available is an extraordinary gift.
Jeri Lawson is a Healing Touch Practitioner and Clarity Breathworker in the
Temescal Area of Oakland, California.

2 Replies to “Carol Kinney Shares About Healing Touch”

  1. That’s interesting observation that new healing touch students seem more advanced to begin with than students a decade ago. Do Carol and Janet agree with that? You are connecting there rapid progress with greater awareness and acceptance of energy work on a cultural level.

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