Jump-start Your Meditation Practice

These are the times a regular meditation, prayer, or yoga practice can be really beneficial for your health and well-being.

Coming for a Reiki or Healing Touch session is a great way to jump-start your meditation practice – no matter how you meditate. Energy sessions calm and reset your nervous system, so it is much easier to focus in your daily practice.

Here is a wonderful quote and article on Self-Reiki treatments by New York Reiki Master Pamela Miles:

“The practice you actually do, is the practice that’s the best for you.”

Click here to check out a post on her blog: How to Practice Reiki Self-Treatment


Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in the Temescal area of Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork Monday through Friday.



Healing: Feeling Unsafe To Be Safe

In Chapter Eight of her book  Welcoming the Unwelcome, Pema Choödrön writes:

“The more willing you are to step out of your comfort zone, the more comfortable you feel in your life. Situations that used to arouse fear and nausea become easier to relax in. On the other hand, if you stay in the comfort zone all the time, it shrinks.”


I do everything I can to create a safe place for my clients when they come for a healing. I make sure the temperature of the room is perfect for each individual  (there is a huge range of preferences). I choose their favorite music and set the volume at a soothing level. Each session is at least two hours apart, so no one leaves feeling rushed, or ungrounded.

Despite all my good intentions,  I often witness my clients feeling unsafe to relax and let go on the healing table. I have realized that to truly create a space for my clients to feel safe, they often have to feel unsafe.

After long periods of stress their emotions, mind, and physical bodies have tightened up to protect, support, and defend them. Letting their guard down and relaxing their muscles can feel foreign, and even scary.  Many people receiving an energetic treatment are sometimes surprised in the first session to find out how much trauma they were holding.

Yet, just this conscious awareness of our internal state is so healing, however difficult it is to first acknowledge.  Even if people “fail” to relax in their session, that subtle inner awareness begins to change their experience of life for the better.

Sometimes people are back to their center in one session and sometimes it takes months, even years for others to finally experience what it is like to feel relaxed and safe in their bodies and in the world.


“And the Day Came When the Risk to Remain Tight In a Bud Was More Painful Than the Risk It Took to Blossom.” – Anais Nin.


Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork Monday through Friday.



Two Hour Healing Sessions

I book all my hands-on healing sessions two hours apart.

I feel so lucky and grateful that I can structure my business in this way and spend this much time with each client.

Many Energetic Practitioners have time constraints, especially working in a hospital, clinic, or spa environment. I want to say right away that even twenty minutes of Reiki and Healing Touch is profoundly beneficial. We definitely need more Energetic Practitioners in our medical culture.

For me to work in such deep altered states of consciousness in my private practice, my clients need the time to integrate the shifts they may experience after the treatment is over. It doesn’t happen every session, yet often people release such deep emotional patterns, limiting thoughts and beliefs, that they can initially feel disoriented before they get off the table.

Sometimes there is also an incredible expansion of consciousness. Openings like this are life-changing, and twenty minutes on the table after the session to reconnect gently with your body is so grounding – especially when you have to jump back in the car and continue your day.

These shifts happen more frequently when my client receives regular weekly, biweekly, or monthly sessions and every session goes deeper.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork Monday through Friday. 510-601-9632


Testimonial: Immense Gratitude For Healing

“Immense gratitude for you and your teachings. I’ve had enormous openings. I was blessed with a “knowing”. This is the only word that fits. I was intuitively aware of a blockage from Source,  but had not been able to find it. Well, dear Jeri, after using your technique to ground and open my crown chakra, not only was my block revealed, it was shattered and healing seems complete.”
I often give clients simple healing tools and meditations to support them between sessions. I have a short meditation to help people run energy through their bodies, so if they wake up in the middle of the night they can put their hands on their heart and feel the warm calming energy of their hands.  Often these easy meditations facilitate great release.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. Monday through Friday she is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork.

510-601-9632   jerilawson@mac.com

Interview with Christine Salas From The Healing Touch Professional Association

The Healing Touch Professional Association is building a great resource of interviews of their members. Each interview focuses on how the individual practitioner is bringing Healing Touch into their healing profession, community, and life.  I was very honored to be included.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork  Monday through Friday. 

510-601-9632   jerilawson@mac.com

Healing Testimonial

“Jeri – Thank you for being the person to escort me to and through my first healing and my second as well. Your grounded and non-egoic holding of space and faith in my inherent power to heal made a big difference and taught me that I have capacities that I have only begun to tap. But even so – I’m already there and there is nowhere to get.”

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork  Monday through Friday. 

510-601-9632   jerilawson@mac.com

The Divine Goodness In Us All And The Crown Chakra

At our last online Healing Touch Meeting, I mentioned something new I have noticed in my practice since the pandemic. More and more clients have compromised seventh chakras.
The seventh chakra, or crown chakra, is located at the top of your head and opens to your spiritual connection with your higher self, spirit, and the universe. When the seventh chakra is compromised, it is easy to feel depressed, cut off, and isolated.

A few days after the meeting, Healing Touch Practioner Katheryn Darlington HTCP, RN, BSN, HNB-BC, wrote me this amazing email:

Dear Jeri,

Ever since our HTEB meeting last week, I have been thinking about your observation of closed crown chakras that you brought to our attention. While meditating, some thoughts came to me that I would like to share.

Many of us humans describe “The Divine” not as a single entity (God or other personifications) but something that encompasses
“all that is” within this universe and beyond,
more than we can comprehend,
absolute Love,
not “out there somewhere” but within each of us.
Each of us a manifestation of this Spirit,
all connected while individuated,
our Higher Selves being unconditionally loving and compassionate,
filled with Divine guidance and wisdom,
and so many more descriptions than I am aware of ……

If the opposite of Love is Fear – the fear of actual loss of life due to the pandemic, climate change, gun violence, and whatever other factors promote anxieties or fears – we are currently living through an era of fear-based perspective and choices. When an individual’s perspective on life is dominated by fear rather than love – perhaps we are cut off from our normal connection through the crown chakra.

Perhaps the fear of the unknown and isolation of the pandemic, mixed with the polarizing style of politics that has dominated our news the past few years has caused many individuals to disconnect from “the whole” of the Divine. The anxieties, fueled by real and/or imagined fears, have caused retreat in protective mode. This is worse than other situations because now many people have not had the usual camaraderie with our communities of family, neighbors, or friends. Families and friends have become divided due to distance, fear of an unseen contagion, fear of not understanding all of this medical jargon and rationale, fear of having various perspectives and beliefs about what is the “right” or “best” practice and care, fear of being “wrong or called stupid” (losing self-esteem), ……..

In disconnecting from each other – we have disconnected from the Divine goodness among us all.

I hope we as healers can continue to do our best to clear our chakras and strengthen our connection with the Divine and the Higher Selves of each other daily. We can persevere in finding respectful ways to communicate with those who we do not agree are not in agreement or at least send them compassion while keeping our distance from them.

We must help ourselves, family, friends, and clients to hold on to a connection with our Higher Selves and those of others to bolster our connection with the Divine as a whole.

I hope my thoughts in words make some sense. Please call or write if you like – this is such an important and pivotal moment/era that we are traveling.


After reading Kathy’s poetic email, I know I feel bolstered, and  I hope you do too.  Her statement, “In disconnecting from each other – we have disconnected from the Divine goodness among us all.” makes me realize again how important family and community are at this moment in this human experience.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork  Monday through Friday. 

510-601-9632   jerilawson@mac.com

Venmo Comments After A Healing Session

A few client comments after a Venmo payment:

This session changed my LIFE


Healing session for creativity



I love my “work.”

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork  Monday through Friday. 

510-601-9632   jerilawson@mac.com

Post Pandemic Hack: Making the Healing Space Safer With Air Filters

PECO technology by Molekule—Destroys Covid-19 virus & more.

There are two Molekule air filters in my healing space. In the last few months, the FDA has approved my Molekule Air Mini & Mini+ air filters for medical use in destroying viruses & bacteria – including Covid-19.

If you are interested in getting a small air filter I recommend the Mini+ over the Mini. The Mini+ turns up by itself when there is something in the air that needs filtering. I don’t have to worry about wasting energy when the air clears.

I took both of these units on my retreat last month and the inside of our air meditation space and the sleeping area never smelled like smoke. There were several days when there was a  LOT of smoke.

Since I have had these filters I have never had to cancel a client due to smoke and fires around my office in Oakland again.  I love this. My healing space will always be safe.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork  Monday through Friday. 510-601-9632   jerilawson@mac.com

Self-Care: Back From A Meditation Retreat

This is my first week back at work after a month-long meditation retreat. I have been doing these retreats for the last five years, and I remember thinking how extravagant a month away from my regular routine seemed when I first started back then.

I don’t think it’s extravagant now. Getting away from my routine revitalized my life. Spending time in deep meditation is essential for my well-being. Selfcare is so essential in these times.

Of course, spending a month meditating is not always easy. I was highly irritated and super sensitive for five days straight about two weeks into the retreat. I was surprised at how much came up. My nervous system felt fried. My body ached. Deep emotions from the last few years kept surfacing and releasing; I could never have rebalanced so deeply if I did not have the space and time. When it started getting smokey from the nearby fires, I found exit scenarios forming in my head. I wanted to escape.

Finding the stillness underneath all the chaos was worth it. That experience of connection, of quiet, of suspended enoughness, is everything. It can hold it all.

Berkeley Loves To Go On Retreat

I could go on and on about the experiences I had this month, but the important takeaway is getting away is a good thing.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork  Monday through Friday.

