Acting From Our Highest Wisdom


c. Jeri Lawson 2016 All Rights Reserved


“Remember, we are all affecting the world every moment, whether we mean to or not. Our actions and states of mind matter, because we’re so deeply interconnected with one another. Working on our own consciousness is the most important thing that we are doing at any moment, and being love is the supreme creative act.”

  – Ram Dass


It is time to connect with that which is greater than ourselves.

There is so much support, energy and guidance available for every one of us.

All we have to do is tap into it. It takes courage and commitment to take the time, quiet our mind, and let whatever needs to surface come up to be consciously released. It takes a tremendous amount of self-love and compassion to keep our hearts open.

Just by connecting with Higher Consciousness, we connect with All-That-Is, Our True Self, Our Highest Guidance, which is a profoundly healing state.

How can you connect with this healing space, with this inner wisdom?

Meditation? A walk in the woods? Music? A Breathwork session? A Reiki or Healing Touch Treatment?

Now is the time for radical self-care.

This is the time to clear and ground ourselves so we can act from our highest wisdom.


 Jeri Lawson will be at a Breathwork Retreat today through Sunday, connecting with her highest wisdom. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork sessions again on Monday, November 21st, 2016  in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California 510-601-9632


Post-Election Precepts

For Today Only:
Do not Anger
Do not Worry
Be Grateful
Be Honest in your Work
Be Compassionate to Yourself and Others

c. Jeri Lawson 2016 All Rights Reserved

Jeri Lawson is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork sessions Monday through Friday, 10 am to 6 pm, in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California 510-601-9632


Meditation, Reiki And The “Inner Net”

Version 2

Do you want to meditate, yet can’t seem to sit still for even two minutes? Do you start a daily practice for a few days and then suddenly can’t find the time? Does meditating bring up emotions that make you too uncomfortable to continue?

Grounding and energetically aligning your energy with a Reiki or Healing Touch session makes meditation so much easier. Scheduling a healing is a wonderful way to recommit and deepen your meditation practice.

I have had clients who were so busy for so long, that even the thought of sitting still for any length of time stressed them out. Yet, after few healing sessions, they relaxed into a solid daily meditation practice. The issues, memories, habitual thought patterns and stagnate energy that was initially blocking them fell away when their energy field came into balance.  Their meditation practice became a profoundly peaceful and enjoyable part of their day. I remember one client telling me many years ago: “I actually look forward to meditating now.”

“If every 8-year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.” – Dalai Lama

“The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.”Caroline Myss

“Meditation: Because some answers can only be found on the Inner net.”Shira Tamir

Jeri Lawson is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork sessions Monday through Friday, 10 am to 6 pm, in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California 510-601-9632

The Ancient Art of Smudging Is Now Considered To Be A Powerful Antiseptic Technology


Research has caught up with the ancient practice of smudging! This article by Sayer Ji is well worth reading, even though you have to navigate a few pop-up menus and other advertisements.


I have always found the smell of sage to be calming and grounding, so I have been smudging my healing space ever since I started my Reiki and Healing Touch business. Now science is validating this traditional intuitive practice.


It is now proven that the burning of medicinal herbs not only clears aerial bacterial populations by 94% within one hour, but keeps a contained room decontaminated for a full day after the smudging. Even one month after smudging, a room will still be clear of many pathogenic bacteria. I had no idea smudging did all this.


Click here to enjoy the article!


Jeri Lawson is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork sessions Monday through Friday, 10 am to 6 pm, in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California 510-601-9632

A Video About Healing Touch By Practitioner Denise DeForest Pastoor

Denise DeForest Pastoor is psychiatric clinical nurse specialist, Holistic Integrative Health RN educator, and Certified Healing Touch Practitioner/Instructor in Greensboro, NC.

Just watching Denise share Healing Touch with her client made me so RELAXED! See if you find watching this video incredibly peaceful! Also check out her beautiful website at

Thank you, Denise.

Jeri Lawson is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork sessions Monday through Friday, 10 am to 6 pm, in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California 510-601-9632

Healing Touch For Chemotherapy

I made this video to introduce Healing Touch to people who have decided to go through Chemotherapy.

My dream is that everyone going through Chemo will have Healing Touch and energy work available to them.

Please feel free to share.

Jeri Lawson is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork sessions Monday through Friday, 10 am to 6 pm, in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California


Healing Sessions For Guidance

IMG_1893Some clients regularly come to me for Reiki and Healing Touch sessions to get guidance.

Not my guidance, of course, but their own inner guidance.

A healing session clears and balances your energy field, so you can hear your inner voice, and connect with that part of yourself that knows what is true for you.

Sometimes that guidance is just a feeling, an awareness that you are on the right path. Sometimes after a treatment, a client will tell me they realized what they need to do next. Sometimes their next step is as simple as making a phone call to a good friend.

A few times I have had clients receive a full-blown vision or uncover their life purpose during a healing, just like in the movies.

Most often, though, we all appear to walk through this life one phone call at a time.

Jeri Lawson is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork sessions Monday through Friday, 10 am to 6pm, in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California

The Charlotte Maxwell Clinic

Below is a very sweet video about the Charlotte Maxwell Clinic in Oakland, California.

I have been volunteering at the clinic for about eight years, and I have learned so much about energetic healing, neuropathy, lymphedema and the body’s innate ability to heal itself. After every shift, I feel so much gratitude. Gratitude for the sacred space I share with the clients, gratitude for everything I learned that day, gratitude that a place such as Charlotte Maxwell even exists.

The Charlotte Maxwell Clinic provides holistic healing services to low-income women with cancer. This includes Acupressure, Acupuncture, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Massage, Reiki, Qigong, Healing Touch, Feldenkrais, Chinese Herbs, Western Herbs, Homeopathy, and Guided Imagery. There are also self-help workshops and classes for the clients on lymphedema, cooking, yoga and breast cancer rehab. Here is just one amazing fact from CMC’s website:

“Women who participated in any moderate-intensity recreational physical activity, such as brisk walking, after breast cancer diagnosis had an approximately 64% lower risk of death than inactive women.”

Read more about the benefits of exercise by clicking here.

If you want to come to the clinic, all you must have is a cancer diagnosis. You don’t have to prove you are low-income.

You also don’t have to be a healer to volunteer. The clinic needs drivers, interpreters and support staff, too. Volunteer Trainings are held 4-5 times per year, and they take place over the course of one weekend.


It really is all about the love.

Jeri Lawson is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork sessions Monday through Friday, 10 am to 8 pm, in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California