Clarity Breathwork: The Practice Of Connected Breathing

This week I thought I would write about my Clarity Breathwork sessions. Several people have recently asked me about Breathwork and several clients have had significant breakthroughs during their sessions in the last few weeks.

Breathwork is amazing.


Clarity Breathwork is the practice of circular, connected breathing for healing and attaining higher states of consciousness. In a breathwork session, you lie comfortably and fully clothed on a massage table and breath deeply for fifty minutes. As oxygen fills the body and raises your physical vibration, anything of a lower vibration falls away.

This includes old emotions, past trauma, unconscious beliefs, and habitual physical patterns in your body. I am fully present and at your side throughout the session to guide you through the breathing process. I may ask you questions to help you clarify any emotions, thoughts, and energy that may come up. I may also, with your prior agreement, gently touch your legs and feet to help you stay grounded and focused on your inhale.

Clarity Breathwork is the perfect tool for releasing unconscious imprints held in the mental, emotional, and physical levels of the being. Clarity Breathwork connects you with a higher aspect of yourself so you can let go of shame and blame, and move into self-acceptance, compassion, and love. I have found Breathwork to be an incredibly powerful tool to access and release pain, trauma, and chronic conditions in the physical body.

Are you ready to make some changes, yet don’t even know what those changes are?  Clarity Breathwork may be the perfect way to expand your consciousness and open to new possibilities in your life.

“I feel whole and energized again. I had no idea how much fear and hopelessness I was carrying inside.”

-Client after her Breathwork Session

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Clarity Breathwork sessions Monday through Friday. 


Healing: Finding the Words

I have been searching for years to find the words that describe what I experience as a healer during a Reiki and Healing Touch session. I started to describe it in this post: A Healer’s Experience Of A Healing Session

I have referred to the space I hold, or connect with, or become, as the Healing Space, the Healing State, sometimes Sacred Space, depending on my mood of the day and who I am working with. Nothing ever felt accurate, or specific enough.

While on my recent forced sabbatical because of a wrist and shoulder injury,  I had time to read. The first book I pulled off my shelf was Adyashanti’s The Way Of Liberation and  I have been carrying it around since. I shouldn’t even say I am reading it, I just look at a few paragraphs and then sit in my chair absorbing. I am absorbing the book.

In this amazing little paperback, Adya writes about the Inner Revolution, the process that happens after the discovery of one’s true nature. He describes this inner revolution as “the birth of a living, fluid intelligence.”

That is exactly what I experience in the continually changing, healing space of my sessions that  is different every time, for every person:

A Living, Fluid Intelligence

Page 37. I recommend that everyone immediately get The Way Of Liberation and start absorbing right away.

I will confess at this point that I have not discovered my True Nature. I am still identifying as a physical body and an ego that likes to describe and name things. It is interesting and a bit confusing to note that somehow I have skipped an important step in Adayshanti’s process of Liberation, the awaking part. Awaking must not be chronological.

I now refer to this healing state as the Fluid Living Intelligence or FLI mode. I hold, become, or go into FLI mode in my energetic sessions.

Healing is a mystery that deepens with every session. This mystery reveals how multi-dimensional and precious our human experience is. My ego finds it very exciting to discover the words that best express it.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork Monday through Friday. 510-601-9632

Update And Insights

The Perfect Picture For A Post About Pain

In these last two weeks, I’ve had a few insights into the nature of healing and pain.

First, an update on my recovery: My dislocated left shoulder and fractured right wrist look a lot more painful than they are. The physical pain has been quite minimal. I am so fortunate to know how to give myself Reiki and Breathwork sessions.

When I feel fatigued, or discomfort in my body, I stop and do a 20-minute breath session that completely rebalances me mentally and physically. Every night I give myself a Reiki session so I can relax and fall asleep. I have also received Reiki, Breathwork, and massage sessions from some wonderful practitioners.

Over the years in my healing practice, I have also watched so many people completely heal from much worse injuries, so I have a very positive outlook. I know there is no limit to what is possible.

I can’t drive yet, but I can now comb my hair and do the dishes. YES! Progress is sweet, and I never thought I would be so happy to be able to do the dishes. I did overdo it last Sunday when I Marie Kondoed my condo. All that folding was a little much on the wrist, but I did feel a huge personal accomplishment.

This injury has taught me so much. I’ve taken this opportunity of not working, of not being so busy,  to focus on being present for every thought, feeling, and sensation that arises in the moment; listening to my body as I move, stretch, rest and heal. I am sure this has accelerated my recovery.

Now one of the many insights: When the plastic splint was removed last Friday and my permanent cast put on, it was very emotional. I felt panicky, claustrophobic, and trapped. It was scary to know I would not be able to touch my foreman for another twenty-one days. When I briefly saw my wrist it was shocking to see it look so mangled and bruised. I certainly had been feeling better than my wrist looked when it was uncovered.

The doctor I had at Kaiser the day was great. He and his assistant did have to reset the bones again in my wrist, which they said was very common for this type of injury. Unfortunately,  I did not experience the divine intervention that happened with Silas in the ER during the initial reset.

The rest of that Friday, I felt emotionally overwhelmed, and that was the day I felt the most physical sensation and pain all through my body. In fact, that was the only day the pain was an issue. When my emotional body was energetically unstable, I was ultra sensitive to physical pain and prone to less than positive thoughts. It felt so different.

It was so interesting. Even during the worst of it, I was so aware of my heightened sensitivity. The pain was very tangible.

When I feel peaceful and relaxed, the sensations in my body are experienced so differently than when I am emotionally ungrounded. I mean incredibly different; it’s phenomenal.

Of course, I “knew” this before, yet now I really know it. No wonder Reiki, Healing Touch, and Breathwork are so powerful. I am even more passionate about this work, and I am so excited I am back at the office today.

Peace is so healing on every level of our being.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork Monday through Friday. 510-601-9632

A Break For Healing

Last week while Berkeley and I were on our morning walk, I tripped and fell. I am not sure how it happened, yet suddenly I was on my back. I knew right away it was serious.

I am now healing a left acomioclavicular joint dislocation (shoulder) and a fractured ulna in my right wrist. Both sides of my upper body currently have limited mobility.

Berkeley watched the whole event from behind and was very distressed until we returned home, and he could sleep off the trauma. I walked the four blocks from my condo to the emergency room and had a very positive experience at Kaiser’s ER. When I arrived, I was the only one there, so everything – examination, X-rays, Motrin, resetting the wrist, more X-rays – moved pretty fast.

I had a remarkable healing in the ER.

It came from Silas, the Physician Assistant when he was resetting my wrist. I will spare you most of the gory details, but my hand was hanging by my fingers about three feet above my body in some kind of bone setting contraption. Silas was squeezing my wrist tightly as he was pulling down (with a great deal of strength) attempting to stretch my hand back into alignment. He had numbed my wrist, of course.

Still, there was a lot of sensation until I felt the energy from his hands come in through my wrist, down my arm, and into my heart, overriding any pain or sensation. I felt so much gratitude, totally unexpected.  He held this bone setting position for several minutes, and I was just in awe — what an extraordinary healer.

I am doing remarkably well this week. Breathwork sessions, meditation, and Self-Reiki treatments have come in handy. It’s amazing, but there is hardly any swelling or pain. 

Everything I have to do takes five times as long as before: dressing, typing, making coffee, and OMG, I still can’t comb my hair! Not being able to brush my hair could quickly turn into an environmental disaster, so I have had to call in help.

Anyway, I will go back to Kaiser later this morning and find out how my wrist and shoulder are healing and maybe get a new cast on my wrist. I am hoping to be back in my office for healings and breathwork by Friday, June 28th, but I am taking it a day at a time.

When it’s time for a break, it’s time for a break.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork Monday through Friday. 510-601-9632

Breathwork And The Radical Commitment To Live With An Open Heart

We are living in interesting times.

Setting the intention to live with an open heart and stay grounded in our daily life is now a radical act.  This requires a fierce commitment, and constant recommitment, to self-care and energetic balance.  When we are energetically aligned, we are in the greatest service to our family, our community, and the planet. We can manifest and act from our highest wisdom. This is the greatest gift we can give the world.

Do you feel safe enough to keep your heart open? Safe in your body, secure in your life? Do you feel emotionally stuck or shut down?

What brings you peace? What resets your nervous system? A walk in the woods? Being with family?  Time alone? Meditation? Liking everything Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posts on Facebook? Exercise? Massage?  Spending time with your dog? A hot bath?  Do you need a few days in nature?

Do whatever it takes. When we create space in our life to stay connected to our internal goodness, it is much easier to move toward the light, rather than fight the darkness.

Now is the time for radical self-care. One way to dive deep and reconnect with your inner light is a Clarity Breathwork session.

“I feel whole and energized again. I had no idea how much fear and hopelessness I was carrying inside.”

-Client after her Breathwork Session

Breathwork is a gift in these interesting times.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork Monday through Friday. 510-601-9632

Breathwork: The Experience Of Sky


“You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather.”

― Pema Chödrön

Clarity Breathwork is the experience of sky.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork Monday through Friday. 510-601-9632

Energetic Healing: Emotional Release Isn’t Always Emotional

Emotional release can be a very gentle process. When you deeply relax in a peaceful state there is often an effortless falling away of stress and emotional overwhelm. One of my clients beautifully described her experience last week:
“During my session with Jeri, I felt a gentle and elegant opening and buoyant energy.  A  sense of positivity asserted itself over and over as I cycled through emotions. In those moments of openness, I became aware that I had been feeling so “stuck” and a lovely realization that I could and can move forward blossomed within me. I felt such gratitude for Jeri’s healing wisdom, as my guide. The beautiful journey she has assisted me with is continuing to unfold.”
Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork Monday through Friday. 510-601-9632

Healing Sessions as Ritual

Healings are rituals.

Rituals are for stepping outside of our everyday routine, habitual existence and our concept of linear time. A Healing Touch and Reiki session can be the perfect place for you to mark an important transition in your life and initiate a new beginning.

We can set the intention by creating an altar before the session. You can bring photos, candles, vision boards or special stones that will hold your specific intention.

Clients have created healing rituals to clear old energies such as letting go of a past relationship with love and compassion. Clients have used healings to support them in releasing an emotional pattern such as overeating or smoking.  A few clients have come to celebrate the start of a new job and a new cycle of service in the world. One woman set her intention to align her energic body before a month-long juice fast.

Rituals help us to fully and deeply acknowledge our journey in this moment and reaffirm that the path we are traveling is the right one for us. Rituals and healings create a sacred space in our lives.

Card by Kriss Johnson Michiels at

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork Monday through Friday. 510-601-9632

Self-Care For Entrepreneurs 

We tend to think of artists, healers, and writers as creative and intuitive, yet some of the most highly sensitive and successful people I have worked with are real estate agents, CEOs, and small business owners. These people use their intuition daily as they navigate fluctuating money flow, employees, and economic trends in the business world.

These clients are entrepreneurs and have discovered that regular healing sessions greatly support them by keeping them centered, grounded, focused and clear when making decisions. These blocks include negative thinking and old emotional conditioning, fears and outdated beliefs. One client also finds Healing Touch and Reiki sessions very helpful for recovering from jet lag after traveling internationally.

Several clients have found that healing sessions are so good for business they often write our appointments off on their taxes!

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork Monday through Friday. 510-601-9632

Spirituality and Breathwork

This post began as a short description of the spiritual aspects of Clarity Breathwork, and ended up becoming a personal testimonial to my own Breathwork practice:

“For me, Spirituality is not about religion, it is about connecting directly to Spirit, God, Goddess, Sacred Space, The True Self or Oneness. It is the deep, peaceful reconnection of my body, my mind, my life, and my world. A felt sense of just being: having enough, doing enough, right here, right now, in this moment.

My most tangible and profound spiritual experiences are during my Breathwork sessions. I become the Divine Presence where I am connected to everything – past, present, and future.  Being in this ecstatic state, even for only a few minutes at a time, has healed me physically, mentally and emotionally.  Breathwork continues to connect me to this expanded state of consciousness while helping me stay grounded and comfortable in my body.”

 Clarity Breathwork heals our false sense of separation. I love, love, love sharing this extraordinary practice with others.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, Distance Healings and Clarity Breathwork Monday through Friday. 510-601-9632