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When Healers get Sick, then what?

The hardest and most difficult issue I have had to come to terms with in my healing practice is having to cancel clients when I am sick.

Having to cancel clients still brings up many personal issues and insecurities for me. I still have the unconscious belief that “Healers should not get sick.” I also hate letting people down. I hate not being able to show up. When I get sick I usually feel anger and then direct it at myself. Hard to admit, but true.

The only thing worse than being sick and not being able to show up for my sessions is showing up and getting my clients sick.

I wish I could write that with all my healing experience over the years I have overcome these nonproductive emotional responses. I wish I could say that when I get a cold I just calmly and logically notify my clients that I am contagious, and then rest all day. But I don’t, I still cycle through a harsh self-critique and then come to terms with calling my clients. I do move through the whole process pretty quickly now and the emotional charge is much less.

When I do get sick, I can also report that I always get to a place where I do take very good care of myself. I nurture my body and treat myself with compassion. This is a huge accomplishment in my personal book of “Jeri’s Lifetime Achievements”.

I am always learning.

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