Documenting A Miracle

I want to report a miracle.

Even though this post is technically not about healing and energy work, a miracle is a miracle, and it needs to be acknowledged.

Here is what happened:

I was seeing a client early mornings at the Oakland Kaiser hospital a few weeks ago. The hospital is only a ten-minute walk from my condo, so I often saw her at 7 am because that was the only time I had available. It turned out to be a great time to have a healing.

After one of the treatments, I realized I was starving. I have to strategically plan my meals on my workdays because I am often hungry after a session.

So there I was, in a hospital, the worst place I could think of to eat, and I was ravenous.  So I walked into the cafeteria just to see if I could find a bag of nuts or something pre-sealed with all ingredients listed, so I would not be poisoned with artificial additives or MSG.

That’s when I discovered the miracle.


The Kaiser Oakland Hospital Cafeteria has plant-based fresh food. Nutrition facts listed on the salad bar. THEY EVEN HAVE URBAN REMEDY!!!!

Was I really in a hospital? When did eating in a hospital become healthy? Am I the last to know? Is it just the Oakland Kaiser hospital? Can you find plant-based food in Walnut Creek? Is the Richmond Kaiser cafeteria this healthy?

There was even garlic chili sauce.

Positive changes like this make me so happy. I see this as the manifestation of a huge shift in consciousness. I just had to share it.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork Monday through Friday. 510-601-9632

Healing In the Hospital

Window at John Muir Hospital

Energy work has been an incredible support for my clients when they are in the hospital. After years of healing in hospitals, I am still amazed how remarkably helpful Healing Touch and Reiki can be in these stressful situations.

A few months ago I worked with a young girl immediately after extensive back surgery. Her mother, who did not have much experience with energy work before this, was instantly on board with hands-on-healing. After one of the follow-up sessions, I showed her how she could clear her daughter’s energy field: I just demonstrated for her one very simple Healing Touch technique. Her daughter was very sensitive to the pain medications she was being given, and I knew even five minutes of this simple clearing technique throughout the day would help her immensely.

I want to say right away that I am not a Certified Healing Touch Instructor. I cannot “teach” Healing Touch, but I can “show” a mother a simple technique that may keep her daughter from getting nauseous. I also made it very clear that all healing is self-healing, and her daughter was the only one who could heal herself. I told the mom “just try the clearing and let go of the outcome.”

Here is part of the email she sent me weeks later:

“THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your work with my daughter and me!! Wow – talk about things just coming together at the right time!! I love your energy and spirit and that you were able to do those sessions was so awesome. Also that you took the time to show me how to try to work on her was amazing!! I’m not sure how well I did, but there were some super tough times during our hospital stay. It gave me something concrete to do to try and help my daughter. You were so kind to share that with me!!!!!!! You truly have an amazing gift!!!!

We all have this amazing gift of healing, right at our fingertips.

Jeri Lawson is available for Healing Touch and Clarity Breathwork sessions Monday through Friday, 10 am through 8 pm, in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California