Kathleen Prasad’s “Healing Power In A Radiation Suite”

I would like to share Kathleen Prasad’s story about her cancer treatment and metta practice.  This article is a great teaching that I have read many times. This is the kind of story that takes me deeper into my daily meditation practice and once again reveals how every one of us makes a difference in this world. Enjoy.

“I realized that no matter what was happening to my body, I could find peace, love, joy and strength in this moment. No matter what, in this moment my heart was perfect and shining bright. The more I could see this within myself, the more I could see it in others, and the brighter I could feel my metta practice shining.

– Kathleen Prasad

Check out more of Kathleen’s writings and website here – Animal Reiki Source.

Thank you, Kathleen.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, Distance Healings and Clarity Breathwork sessions Monday through Thursday, 10 am to 6 pm. 510-601-9632

Community: We Are All Connected

I mentor other practitioners in healing my community.

I am also mentored by this same community.

Over the last few years, I have been supporting (coaching, mentoring, talking extensively on the phone) with other healing practitioners from all over the country who are dealing with challenging issues and questions concerning their healing practice. Often these healers have questions about working with clients and friends going through chemotherapy and radiation treatments. I have also helped many practitioners launch their healing business, sharing what marketing and organizing strategies have been working for me.

When I have questions about medical procedures my clients are going through, there are several nurses and a few doctors I have called from this same community who have walked me through the possibilities my client may be facing. This has been extremely helpful for me over the years. I have yoga teachers, hospital and oncology administrators, healers who are exceptionally sensitive to energy and just some very wise and experienced practitioners who I can call and ask anything I need to know or process. As I am writing this, I realize the hospital administrators I know have been a tremendous resource.

I am so supported by my healing community.

Below is an email I recently received from another energy practitioner who had emailed me with questions about her client with neuropathy (numbness in the hands and feet):

“I wanted to give you an update on the client with Neuropathy, since you were so helpful in telling me what has worked for you.

On his first visit, I did lots of clearing, as you recommended. I don’t usually do much clearing, so I made a point to do more.  I also did LOTS of just holding his feet and hands – bringing warmth and healing through intention. 

He called a few days later and said that he could feel his feet on the ground for the first time in a few years. He still had some pain, but was excited to have a difference and be able to “feel” with his feet.  He had felt the heat of the sun on his feet. 

He also had no headaches and no blurry vision (which he had complained about before). His hands, however, did not have any difference from the first session. They are extremely painful, and he wears wool gloves to warm and protect them. 

I worked on him again yesterday, and haven’t heard if there is any change. I did lots of clearing on his hands and arms and entire body, so — I’ll keep you updated.”

We are all connected. We are all healing together.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, Distance Healings and Clarity Breathwork sessions Monday through Friday, 10 am to 6 pm. 510-601-9632

“Supporting Clients Going Through Chemotherapy” An Article in Energy Magazine

c. Jeri Lawson 2016 All Rights ReservedI finally wrote the article I had wanted to read when I first started my healing practice. I answered all the questions I had about how to support clients through chemotherapy energetically.

This is the culmination of 16 years of experience. Now all healers, especially Healing Touch Practitioners, may feel even more inspired to assist people who are going through chemotherapy.

It will be forever online and accessible at the Healing Touch Program’s Energy Magazine archive after January 5th.  You can download it here in a PDF version and here in the flip-page format. The article is on page 25 through 28.

If you are supporting someone going through chemotherapy, please feel free to call me with any questions. You can make a tremendous difference in your client, friend or family member’s healing journey.

Many thanks to Energy Magazine Editors Karin Ogren and the Margaret Nies.

Jeri Lawson is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork sessions Monday through Friday, 10 am to 6 pm, in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California 510-601-9632

Research: The Use of Healing Touch in Integrative Oncology

I would like to share some research about energy work supporting people with cancer.

“Growing evidence supports the potential benefits to patients with cancer when the best conventional care is combined effectively with complementary approaches (Deng & Cassileth, 2005; Deng et al., 2007). Patients want more information about the potential benefits of complementary therapies; in addition, they believe access to those therapies should be included in standard cancer care (Coss, McGrath & Caggiano, 1998).”

The Use of Healing Touch in Integrative Oncology by Laura K. Hart, RN, PhD, CHTP/I, Mildred I. Freel, RN, MEd, CHTP/I, Pam J. Haylock, PhD, RN, and Susan K. Lutgendorf, PhD

This in-depth article was written for oncology nurses describing the integrative use of Healing Touch in conjunction with chemotherapy and radiation for cervical cancer patients. It can be downloaded from The Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI). Warning: If you go to the CHI website you may be there for hours. It’s fascinating.

The Use of Healing Touch in Integrative Oncology is a dense and informative article. There is even a breakdown of several Healing Touch techniques – magnetic connecting and clearing, chakra connection, liver drain and mind clearing – and how each technique benefits the patients.

There are many interesting ideas in this article that I could write about, but that would make a very long post. I will just note here how the article defines of words “complementary” and “integrative.”

“Referring to alternative modalities as complementary indicates that they are being used in conjunction with conventional therapy. When the modalities are considered integrative, they are being incorporated into the care delivery of the medical system.”

I think I will be using the word “integrative” quite a bit now – especially when manifesting a world vision of energy work becoming readily available in our medical culture. Yes!


Jeri Lawson is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork sessions Monday through Friday, 10 am to 6 pm, in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California 510-601-9632


Healing Touch For Chemotherapy

I made this video to introduce Healing Touch to people who have decided to go through Chemotherapy.

My dream is that everyone going through Chemo will have Healing Touch and energy work available to them.

Please feel free to share.

Jeri Lawson is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork sessions Monday through Friday, 10 am to 6 pm, in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California


Articles and Research on Reiki Supporting Cancer Patients

Kim Fleisher
Kim Fleisher

Reiki is available at Penn’s Integrative Medicine and Wellness Program to any patient receiving treatments. Volunteer practitioners have given nearly 6,500 sessions since the program began in 2009.

Read the article written by Kim Fleisher by clicking this link: Reiki: A Light Touch that Helps Cancer Patients

Kim lead the volunteer program at the Abramson Cancer Center and is also a founding member The Reiki School and Clinic in Philadelphia.

I contacted Kim before publishing this post and she emailed back with three other links to more in-depth articles she wrote about Reiki and the cancer care program at Penn:

• Blog Posts about Reiki for Cancer Patients written by Kim:

• Research Article on the Program Evaluation of the Reiki Program at Penn:

I would like to thank Kim for all her work volunteering, organizing, teaching and writing about Reiki. I can not imagine how many lives she has touched by getting the gift of Reiki to those who need it. You are an inspiration, Kim!

Jeri Lawson is available for Healing Touch, Reiki and Clarity Breathwork sessions Monday through Friday, 10 am through 8 pm, in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California

Healing Touch Brings Relief to Cancer Patients

DSC_4049I would like to thank Johanna McCloy for the wonderful article,  “Healing Touch Brings Relief to Cancer Patients.” She wrote about Healing Touch, my healing practice, and how beneficial energy work can be for anyone going through Chemotherapy or Radiation.

Thank you, Johanna!

Jeri Lawson is available for Healing Touch and Clarity Breathwork sessions Monday through Friday, 10am to 6pm, in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California.

Healing Touch Sessions For Life After Cancer

DirectionsIn this blog I have written several posts on how practical and supportive Healing Touch sessions are for anyone going through Chemotherapy or Radiation, and how much relief my clients have had from the side effects of neuropathy, fatigue and body pain.

In my healing practice, I have also witnessed how supportive energetic sessions are for people after cancer.

Some cancer survivors appear to pick up their life right where they left off when they are finished with western cancer treatments. Other clients find they are disoriented and unsure about how to move forward. Friends and family expect them to be happy and grateful and instead they may feel lost or angry. Some people also start processing their fear, anger and grief after it’s all over and they feel it’s safe.

Here is a selection from “Life After Cancer” by Meghan Brennan describing her last day of cancer treatment:

“…I climbed into my car, put the keys in the ignition, and waited for the joy that was certain to follow — after so many disappointments, the day had finally arrived. I’d be able to walk unaided; I’d be able to breathe. Strangers would stop addressing me as “sir.”

Instead of joy, I spent the next 30 minutes crying effortlessly into my steering wheel. That was when I knew: I’d lost it. What person with even a shred of understanding would act this way? Who responds to the conclusion of an active fight against death with increasing levels of depression, anxiety and grief? Well… I did.”

Everyone who has had a cancer diagnosis has their own unique journey. When I had thyroid cancer, I had scheduled a surgery merely to have a cyst removed from my throat and discovered afterwards that I had also had thyroid cancer. (Interestingly, the cyst had nothing to do with the cancer.) I was extremely lucky and felt like I glided through the whole event. Support was everywhere, on every level. Compared to my migraines – which were extremely traumatizing and emotionally charged for me – cancer was a non event.

As a healer, I never assume to know what my client is feeling or going through. I just set my intention to hold the highest space possible and the energy meets my client were they are at.

Clients often find during a healing that when they fully relax, they connect with their own inner guidance and find a sense of what their next step is. Sometimes it’s a profound insight and sometimes that guidance is much more subtle. It might be about what to do that day — like call a friend for lunch or find a certain book to read. Yet that immediate next step connects them to the rest of their journey and is exactly what they needed to do at that moment. This is one example how Healing Touch sessions not only help with pain relief for the body, but can also help with the larger issue of how to regain one’s life after cancer.

Jeri Lawson is available for Healing Touch and Clarity Breathwork sessions Monday through Friday, 10am to 6pm, in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California.

An Invitation To Heal

IMG_5864One of my main objectives when I started writing this blog was to encourage my readers to use energetic healing in their own lives. Healing is a gift we all inherently possess and can easily access to benefit our family, friends and, most importantly, our own well-being.

If you have any interest in hands on healing you can take a class, and start healing on a daily basis. Many of my clients have taken just one Healing Touch or Reiki class and have significantly supported friends, family members and themselves through chemotherapy and other health challenges. Healing classes are also a great place to meet other healers and start trading sessions. I’m a big advocate of developing a healing community.

I also hope to help inspire health organizations to use energetic healing – especially the modality Healing Touch and Reiki – in nursing homes, clinics, assisted living facilities, hospitals and hospice to support wellness, prevent disease, ease pain and keep us in balance.

In the future I may be writing and reflecting on the specifics of what I am experiencing in my healing sessions and I don’t want to detour anyone from their path to healing because they think they have to see auras before they can heal. You don’t have to see or feel energy to make a difference in someone’s life with a healing session.

My vision: There will come a time when every family has at least one member who enjoys doing hands-on-healing. Children will start energetic classes in grade school. People will ask for a healing before reaching for an aspirin.

Every one of us has the ability to make our lives more comfortable, healthier and, as I have experienced from my first day of Reiki, more joyful!

Go for it.

Jeri Lawson is available for Healing Touch and Clarity Breathwork sessions Monday through Friday, 10am to 6pm, in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California.