Healing In Place

This moment feels so ordinary, yet and so extraordinary at the same time.

It’s surreal.

Each day I make coffee and do my morning yoga, and everything feels so familiar, yet so different. It is impossible for me to mentally grasp what is going on.

When I walk my dog Berkeley, I can feel a deep quietness in the air. It’s like my feet have slipped into an ocean, and I am now aware of every drop of water. I can feel how connected we all are in this isolation.

I am also experiencing more profound intimacy with my boyfriend, dog, family, and friends as we shelter in place. Yet, not being able to eat out, gather in groups, see clients, or give someone a hug is freakishly isolating. Both things are here, in this moment.

Staying centered in this duality is challenging. It’s wonderful to see so many great meditations, free teachings and podcasts available online now.  In this contraction of our physical freedom, there is a vast expansion of consciousness. 

As the world started to shelter in place at the end of March, I asked my clients with sensitive immune systems to try distance healing instead of coming to my office.  One client who was doing exceptionally well was in her last week of radiation, and I didn’t want her to backslide before she had completed her treatment. The distance healing proved to be beneficial.

Now that I can’t see any clients in person, I am doing one or two distance healings a day. I am amazed at how powerful these healings are. I have been encouraging other healers to offer distance healing to their friends and clients, and they also have reported very positive results.

We are so connected and we are now opening to the incredible healing possibilities that have always been available to us. This is the time to heal in place.

From the Shaman’s Oracle Created by John Matthews, Wil Kinghan


Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California. 

510-601-9632  jerilawson@mac.com

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