Testimonial: Distance Healing

Energy work can give you access to more energy by allowing your life force to flow freely. I would like to share part of an email my client sent me who experienced this sense of renewal:

“Jeri Lawson is a powerful healer. She offers distance healings via zoom. Her total focus is her client and she essentially disappears. It is miraculous. I personally received several healings from Jeri for an undiagnosed condition. I was just out of energy and at 67, felt like I was nearing the natural end of my life. Through a series of distant healings from Jeri, I have the energy of when I was in my 40s. This took several months to unfold. I am beyond grateful.”

It is important to note here that even though I have been doing this work for over 25 years, we all have the ability to assist others in opening up to a more vital life. I have witnessed students in their first workshop of Healing Touch create deep and profound healing for others in their class.

Energy work is one of the many ways to access our innate and limitless human potential.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork Monday through Friday. 510-601-9632


Mercury Retrograde: An Auspicious Time For a Healing

You may have heard that Mercury Retrograde may not be the best time to sign an important contract, make major financial decisions, or send a UPS package. Yet, it is a good time to reflect, review, recheck your bank accounts, and reorganize your closet.

It is an excellent time to physically, emotionally, and mentally reset. It is an auspicious time to begin a juice fast, digitally disconnect from social media, or go camping in nature for a few days.

Mercury retrograde is also the perfect time to schedule a distance healing.  It is a great opportunity to dive deep and release past issues holding you back from feeling fully present and alive in your life. In 2020, Mercury will be in retrograde from October 14 to November 3, 2020.


Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch and Reiki Distance Healings at this time.

510-601-9632  jerilawson@mac.com

Procrastination, Healing, And Our Inner Intelligence

IMG_8682Procrastination can come from our highest guidance. Maybe we should not do the very thing we think we should be doing.

I have found it very helpful to not judge, but honor, my resistance.  I have found that is where I can often find a direct connection to my inner intelligence.

This was a big birthday year for me. I wanted to do something special; go somewhere I had never been, try something new, create some kind of ritual to mark this moment in my life.

Last January, I sat at my computer and could not decide where to go or what to do.

It was so frustrating. I couldn’t book a flight or an AirB&B. Nothing felt right. It was weird. Of course, it became apparent why I had so much trouble making, or as it happens, not making that decision on where to go for my birthday.  I was sheltering in place.

What an interesting experience in discovering how my intuition guides me.

Now with the pandemic, I have to continue to go within to decide so many things: When should I start seeing clients in person? What is safe? How can I be in service to the world, pay my mortgage, and stay energetically aligned?

It feels so strange to make any long-term decisions in a short-term world.

That being said, I did buy a very portable healing table.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time Healing and Breathwork practice in Oakland, California. She is available Monday through Friday for distance healings as we shelter in place. 510-601-9632


Welcome 2020, The Year Of Perfect Vision

This year I recommit even more lovingly to radical self-care. To keep moving toward the light, rather than fight the darkness.

It’s day three of the new year and I am two days behind in my 30-day yoga challenge. I am not going to let that stop me from taking care of myself. I recommit to my yoga practice this morning and validate all the wonderful things I have done in the last three days while I was not doing yoga.

My vision is to fully enjoy every moment of this precious life.


Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork Monday through Friday.

510-601-9632  jerilawson@mac.com

Breath LOVE: An Excellent Book On Breathwork

“Control does not bring happiness, or freedom, or a sense of aliveness. Control brings tightness and constriction. It is a fearful response to life. It is only by learning how to stop controlling, and by relaxing, that you are able to be in the flow-the flow of life, the flow of change.”

– From the book “Breath LOVE” by Lauren Chelec Cafritz

I love this quote and I love this book.

This book was not written to be a  marketing tool; it’s an honest, practical, accessible book on Breathwork and the incredible possibilities available to us with this modality. If you are curious about Breathwork and want to know more, this is the perfect book to read.

Breathe LOVE is about Lauren’s personal journey, how she healed her body, let go of fear and open up to a new way of being in the world. In this book, she generously shares what she has learned from being a Breathworker, and how it has benefitted her clients.

She holds Breath Circles every Monday night in Bethesda, MD and if I lived there I would be there in a heartbeat.

Thank you, Lauren, for writing this book.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork. 510-601-9632    jerilawson@mac.com

Clarity Breathwork: Different Varieties Of AMAZING

I always get a little excited when I try to describe a Clarity Breathwork session. It still amazes me how every breathe is so different. I have been breathing privately and in small circles for over thirteen years, and I have never had the same experience twice.

I want to thank the person that took the time to write such a wonderful testimonial, although I have to say, I do believe meditation is worth the effort. 🙂

“Initially I chuckled at Jeri’s enthusiastic promises that the breath session we were about to experience would be the “Best thing that we ever experienced.” I chalked her words up to desire to support participants and assuage any anxiety, along with her genuine love of the work. But by my 4th group session, I knew she spoke from truth!  Every breath session I had with Jeri WAS the most amazing experience I’d ever had. All just different varieties of AMAZING.

Nothing has gotten me out of my head and into a state of trust and connection to LIFE/Universe/DIVINE than her clarity breathwork sessions. I think AMAZING things happen because Jeri is a MASTER at holding a supportive space and allowing miracles to happen. Forget the efforting of meditating or investing money in drug-induced states and just go breathe!”

The  next circle is Sunday, October 27th, 2019 at 10 am to  12:30 pm, at Back to Life Physical Therapy, 403 49th Street, Oakland, California. This is a small intimate circle, limited to six people – a perfect way to experience Breathwork for the first time. You can sign up here: https://backtolife.net/event/clarity-breathwork-circle-6/

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork Monday through Friday. 510-601-9632


Clarity Breathwork: The Practice Of Connected Breathing

This week I thought I would write about my Clarity Breathwork sessions. Several people have recently asked me about Breathwork and several clients have had significant breakthroughs during their sessions in the last few weeks.

Breathwork is amazing.


Clarity Breathwork is the practice of circular, connected breathing for healing and attaining higher states of consciousness. In a breathwork session, you lie comfortably and fully clothed on a massage table and breath deeply for fifty minutes. As oxygen fills the body and raises your physical vibration, anything of a lower vibration falls away.

This includes old emotions, past trauma, unconscious beliefs, and habitual physical patterns in your body. I am fully present and at your side throughout the session to guide you through the breathing process. I may ask you questions to help you clarify any emotions, thoughts, and energy that may come up. I may also, with your prior agreement, gently touch your legs and feet to help you stay grounded and focused on your inhale.

Clarity Breathwork is the perfect tool for releasing unconscious imprints held in the mental, emotional, and physical levels of the being. Clarity Breathwork connects you with a higher aspect of yourself so you can let go of shame and blame, and move into self-acceptance, compassion, and love. I have found Breathwork to be an incredibly powerful tool to access and release pain, trauma, and chronic conditions in the physical body.

Are you ready to make some changes, yet don’t even know what those changes are?  Clarity Breathwork may be the perfect way to expand your consciousness and open to new possibilities in your life.

“I feel whole and energized again. I had no idea how much fear and hopelessness I was carrying inside.”

-Client after her Breathwork Session

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Clarity Breathwork sessions Monday through Friday. 



Orthopedic Breathwork

Last Monday, I went to my first Physical Therapy appointment for my grade three left acomioclavicular joint dislocation and my fractured right wrist. Even though my Physical Therapist looked like she was twelve years old, she was very present and knowledgeable. I found out grade three is one grade away from surgery, so I guess it was a fairly serious injury.

When she asked me how I was doing, I showed her my range of motion by waving my arms around me like windmills – pretty much 100% in both shoulders. I still can’t put weight on my left shoulder in certain positions or carry anything very heavy with my left arm.

She looked a little startled as I was waving my arms around, and at the end of the appointment said she had never seen anyone heal so fast.  I had been a little worried I was moving my shoulder too much, but so far, so good.

I feel Breathwork is the number one reason I am healing so quickly and have not lost mobility.  I have realized Breathwork is a powerful modality for orthopedic injuries. Whenever my shoulder or body feels tight, I take the first 20 minutes available, do a short breathe, and my whole body releases. It’s fascinating to be experiencing the healing from the inside out so tangibly. There have been days when I find don’t need to breathe, and other days when I do two or three breath sessions.

Reiki treatments and meditations have helped me stay centered emotionally. Having a cast on my arm is claustrophobic for me, and Reiki helps me stay grounded as the panicky feeling moves through.

Last Friday the cast came off, and now I have a splint that I can take on and off. I rented a hot tub right away. I am still in a state of gratitude. The right wrist has some more healing to do, and it will still be a while before I can drive.

Still, I feel so grateful. I have had so much support and healing, and have learned so much.


Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork Monday through Friday. 510-601-9632


Update And Insights

The Perfect Picture For A Post About Pain

In these last two weeks, I’ve had a few insights into the nature of healing and pain.

First, an update on my recovery: My dislocated left shoulder and fractured right wrist look a lot more painful than they are. The physical pain has been quite minimal. I am so fortunate to know how to give myself Reiki and Breathwork sessions.

When I feel fatigued, or discomfort in my body, I stop and do a 20-minute breath session that completely rebalances me mentally and physically. Every night I give myself a Reiki session so I can relax and fall asleep. I have also received Reiki, Breathwork, and massage sessions from some wonderful practitioners.

Over the years in my healing practice, I have also watched so many people completely heal from much worse injuries, so I have a very positive outlook. I know there is no limit to what is possible.

I can’t drive yet, but I can now comb my hair and do the dishes. YES! Progress is sweet, and I never thought I would be so happy to be able to do the dishes. I did overdo it last Sunday when I Marie Kondoed my condo. All that folding was a little much on the wrist, but I did feel a huge personal accomplishment.

This injury has taught me so much. I’ve taken this opportunity of not working, of not being so busy,  to focus on being present for every thought, feeling, and sensation that arises in the moment; listening to my body as I move, stretch, rest and heal. I am sure this has accelerated my recovery.

Now one of the many insights: When the plastic splint was removed last Friday and my permanent cast put on, it was very emotional. I felt panicky, claustrophobic, and trapped. It was scary to know I would not be able to touch my foreman for another twenty-one days. When I briefly saw my wrist it was shocking to see it look so mangled and bruised. I certainly had been feeling better than my wrist looked when it was uncovered.

The doctor I had at Kaiser the day was great. He and his assistant did have to reset the bones again in my wrist, which they said was very common for this type of injury. Unfortunately,  I did not experience the divine intervention that happened with Silas in the ER during the initial reset.

The rest of that Friday, I felt emotionally overwhelmed, and that was the day I felt the most physical sensation and pain all through my body. In fact, that was the only day the pain was an issue. When my emotional body was energetically unstable, I was ultra sensitive to physical pain and prone to less than positive thoughts. It felt so different.

It was so interesting. Even during the worst of it, I was so aware of my heightened sensitivity. The pain was very tangible.

When I feel peaceful and relaxed, the sensations in my body are experienced so differently than when I am emotionally ungrounded. I mean incredibly different; it’s phenomenal.

Of course, I “knew” this before, yet now I really know it. No wonder Reiki, Healing Touch, and Breathwork are so powerful. I am even more passionate about this work, and I am so excited I am back at the office today.

Peace is so healing on every level of our being.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork Monday through Friday. 510-601-9632


Breathwork And The Radical Commitment To Live With An Open Heart

We are living in interesting times.

Setting the intention to live with an open heart and stay grounded in our daily life is now a radical act.  This requires a fierce commitment, and constant recommitment, to self-care and energetic balance.  When we are energetically aligned, we are in the greatest service to our family, our community, and the planet. We can manifest and act from our highest wisdom. This is the greatest gift we can give the world.

Do you feel safe enough to keep your heart open? Safe in your body, secure in your life? Do you feel emotionally stuck or shut down?

What brings you peace? What resets your nervous system? A walk in the woods? Being with family?  Time alone? Meditation? Liking everything Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posts on Facebook? Exercise? Massage?  Spending time with your dog? A hot bath?  Do you need a few days in nature?

Do whatever it takes. When we create space in our life to stay connected to our internal goodness, it is much easier to move toward the light, rather than fight the darkness.

Now is the time for radical self-care. One way to dive deep and reconnect with your inner light is a Clarity Breathwork session.

“I feel whole and energized again. I had no idea how much fear and hopelessness I was carrying inside.”

-Client after her Breathwork Session

Breathwork is a gift in these interesting times.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork Monday through Friday. 510-601-9632
