Reiki And Healing

There are now many more new and exciting energy modalities, healing techniques, and philosophies available to anyone interested in healing. Many practices promise to access 5th-dimensional energy, quantum frequencies, and paradigm-shifting transformation.

For me, Reiki has been and continues to be the gateway to extraordinary healing states. I have taken many (like, a lot) trainings and workshops, and Reiki still feels like a foundational practice. Reiki has connected me to higher states of healing energy that are frankly mind-blowing.

Self-Reiki also stabilizes my physical body, helps me sleep, and prepares me for deep meditation. It grounds and connects me to new dimensions at the same time. As I continue to train in newer transformational healing practices, Reiki helps me integrate the new material much faster.

My experience with Reiki is that it is a life force energy that is constantly evolving as we evolve, personally and collectively.

Badge by Pamela Miles

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork  Monday – Friday.  510-601-9632

My Book, A Business Of Healing, Was Approved As A Healing Touch Resource for Students

The Healing Touch Professional Association discussed A Business of Healing this month during the February HTPA Virtual Book Club meeting.
This book is now a resource for students who are becoming certified in HealingTouch. 
I never expected anything like this to happen. As I wrote the book, I was actually a little worried the  Healing Touch organization would not like me describing how I let go of my training to learn to trust the energy completely. I was nervous it might even separate me from the organization that gave me the foundation of my healing practice. 
I am so honored that the Healing Touch Program endorsed my book. I feel that everyone who is certified in Healing Touch helps bring energy work into our medical culture. It is also an excellent way of creating community, and especially as a solo practitioner, community is a tremendous support. Huge. I can’t imagine doing this alone.
Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork  Monday through Friday. 510-601-9632


Clarity Breathwork: Thoughts about Thoughts

Have you heard this statement from a meditation teacher, or read it in a spiritual book?

“You are not your thoughts; you are the observer of your thoughts.” 

—  Amit Ray

A few weeks ago, during a Clarity Breathwork Session, a client had a very tangible experience of being separate from his thoughts. He became aware of that part of him that was observing the thoughts. He was in awe.

Often, during a Breathwork session, the experience of your thoughts as separate from you can arise. It happens quite a bit in my personal breath sessions, and I too, am still in awe every time it happens.

I LOVE Breathwork.

Yet, sometimes when oxygen energizes the brain during a breathe, there are more thoughts than ever! That initially does not seem to be meditative. I suggest to my Breathwork clients before their first breathe not to attempt to stop the thinking. Instead, just observe the thoughts coming and going. It is as if the thoughts were sticks and you are on the bank of a river watching them float by.

While researching quotes for this post, I found this cute video about thoughts. WordPress has assured me this video will go out to  subscribers when I publish it on my blog. Fingers crossed.

If there is not a video attached to this email, here is the link:

An excellent quote about thoughts from one of my favorite writers, Eckhart Tolle:

“Be the silent watcher of your thoughts and behavior. You are beneath the thinker. You are the stillness beneath the mental noise. You are the love and joy beneath the pain.”

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork  Monday through Friday. 510-601-9632

Pema Chodron And The Human Heart

“So war and peace start in the human heart.  Whether that heart is open or whether that heart closes has global implications.”   

~Pema Chodron 

Take good care of yourself in these times of great change. We are all connected.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork  Monday through Friday.    510-601-9632

Dr. Sheldon Feldman On Reiki And Surgery


In this video, Dr. Sheldon Feldman speaks about his journey of discovering how valuable energy work can be for surgery and cancer patients. When his sister was diagnosed with stage four cancer, he witnessed how vibrant her health was right up to the very end with alternative self-care such as nutrition, meditation, and therapy.

In my vision of a better world (more about my vision in another post), everyone who has surgery will have energy work available, whether from a family member, medical professional, volunteer, or clinic.

After all these years, I am still amazed at how powerful, comforting, and supportive energy work is after surgery and when healing from cancer.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork  Monday through Friday.  510-601-9632

The Gift That Keeps On Giving: Healing Touch Level One Class February 10th and 17th, 2024

There is so much energy and support available to every one of us.  Support that can restore ease and harmony to our bodies and lives. Hands-on healing can help you live a more balanced and conscious life with less physical pain and stress.

If you are curious about energy work for yourself, would like to support a family member, or even to share professionally, this is the class I would recommend.

Laurie Ratto, HTCP/I, QM, RN, BSN, CCA, will be teaching a Healing Touch Level One beginning class next February and I will be one of her assistants. It is so exciting to watch people tune into their natural healing abilities! In my healing practice, I use the techniques she will be sharing in every session. This class will change your life.

The workshop is on February 10th & 17th, 2024, 8:30 am – 6:00 pm Pacific Time. Location: Hillcrest Congregational Church, 404 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill, CA. 

I hope to see you there!

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork  Monday through Friday. 510-601-9632

Breathwork: Healing Expectations

Lately, I have been noticing that one of the biggest blocks to healing has been the expectations of how that healing will show up.

This often happens at a client’s second breath session. Sometimes my client wants the same experience as the first breathe. Other times, they are afraid they may have as intense of an experience as they did before.

Thoughts like “Nothing is happening,” “This is not what I expected,”  or “This isn’t what happened last time” holds back the possibilities of what is actually arising, releasing, and evolving.

This has been such a good reminder for me in my ‘everyday’ life.

I still get irritated when things don’t happen how I want- including UPS deliveries, internet malfunctions, and listening to the news. Being aware of how my expectations keep me from being present helps me hold it all much more gracefully—my resistance, the present situation, and all possibilities beyond my current state of awareness.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork  Monday through Friday. 


Clarity Breathwork: What’s In The Way Is The Way

What’s in the way is the way.

I find myself frequently repeating this statement, especially in Breathwork sessions.  Becoming conscious of what is blocking you physically, emotionally, or mentally is how you discover what you need to heal. The resistance contains the healing.

It’s natural to want to avoid pain and unpleasant emotions like shame, grief, and fear. Yet, to breath into whatever is arising – whether that is a pain in your lower back or a complex emotion – is how you come back into balance and peace.

Of course, not all healing requires a deep dive into resistance and a dramatic release. So many incredibly effective breath sessions are basically a  gentle relaxation of the nervous system. Some sessions are even a tangible experience of spirit.

As an energetic practitioner, I see this as my job: To hold a safe, grounded space for you to connect and process your greatest fears and emotions, if that comes up to be integrated or released.  To hold a space for you to find your own answers.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork  Monday through Friday. 510-601-9632

A Workshop By Cyndi Dale: Keys to Activate & Energize Healing in 11 Dimensions

Cyndi Dale gave a two-day workshop a few weekends ago called Keys to Activate & Energize Healing in 11 Dimensions.  She taught it through The Infinity Foundation.

Cyndi is a gifted intuitive, healer and teacher.  I enthusiastically recommend taking at least one of her classes, especially if you are an energetic practitioner. She is energizing, incredibly verbal, and generous with her knowledge.

This workshop was focused on discovering the astral planes, the 8th chakra, and 11 known dimensions. The eighth chakra is particularly interesting to me because it can be used to heal across multiple dimensions and other realities. In the last few years, it has been evident that a lot of multidimensional access is happening in my client’s healing sessions.

The eighth chakra (above our head) is a silver energy center that is one of the keys to the science of the time-space continuum for transmutation.  Time and space are so fluid during sessions.  I have to have a clock in view at all times in my healing space, or I would have no idea how much time has gone by.

The initial intention for taking this class was not to learn new techniques, but to recognize what is already happening in my client’s healing sessions.  I did recognize many of the dimensions and healing spaces Cyndi talked about, and since the workshop, I am aware of new frequencies and possibilities.

All this may sound pretty woo-woo and new age, but these energies and states of consciousness are where my clients have healed headaches, chronic pain, and neuropathy. In these higher states of consciousness people have released emotional trauma and have connected with their inner guidance. Energetic healing is profoundly practical.

I have already listened to the class recording twice. There is so much information, and I am sure I will be going over this material a few times more.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork  Monday through Friday. 510-601-9632