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A Break For Healing

Last week while Berkeley and I were on our morning walk, I tripped and fell. I am not sure how it happened, yet suddenly I was on my back. I knew right away it was serious.

I am now healing a left acomioclavicular joint dislocation (shoulder) and a fractured ulna in my right wrist. Both sides of my upper body currently have limited mobility.

Berkeley watched the whole event from behind and was very distressed until we returned home, and he could sleep off the trauma. I walked the four blocks from my condo to the emergency room and had a very positive experience at Kaiser’s ER. When I arrived, I was the only one there, so everything – examination, X-rays, Motrin, resetting the wrist, more X-rays – moved pretty fast.

I had a remarkable healing in the ER.

It came from Silas, the Physician Assistant when he was resetting my wrist. I will spare you most of the gory details, but my hand was hanging by my fingers about three feet above my body in some kind of bone setting contraption. Silas was squeezing my wrist tightly as he was pulling down (with a great deal of strength) attempting to stretch my hand back into alignment. He had numbed my wrist, of course.

Still, there was a lot of sensation until I felt the energy from his hands come in through my wrist, down my arm, and into my heart, overriding any pain or sensation. I felt so much gratitude, totally unexpected.  He held this bone setting position for several minutes, and I was just in awe — what an extraordinary healer.

I am doing remarkably well this week. Breathwork sessions, meditation, and Self-Reiki treatments have come in handy. It’s amazing, but there is hardly any swelling or pain. 

Everything I have to do takes five times as long as before: dressing, typing, making coffee, and OMG, I still can’t comb my hair! Not being able to brush my hair could quickly turn into an environmental disaster, so I have had to call in help.

Anyway, I will go back to Kaiser later this morning and find out how my wrist and shoulder are healing and maybe get a new cast on my wrist. I am hoping to be back in my office for healings and breathwork by Friday, June 28th, but I am taking it a day at a time.

When it’s time for a break, it’s time for a break.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, and Clarity Breathwork Monday through Friday. 510-601-9632

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