The Universal Energy Field

Hands Of Light
Chapter 6

I first saw the universal energy field when I was visiting my mom in Missouri around 1991. We were sitting on the grass in front of a large pond. It was a clear sunny day, and as we were talking I saw bright white spots of light floating over the water. I remember pointing them out to my mom and she could see them too. I have never seen such large white globs of light as I did on that first day.

A few years later I read about the Universal Energy Field in Barbara Brennan’s Hands of Light.  In Chapter Six Brennan describes them as “tiny globules of orgone making squiggly patterns against the blue sky. They seem to be tiny white balls, sometimes with a black spot, that appear for a second or two and leave a slight trail mark and then disappear.”

Now I sometimes see a red and black center in the white globs. I also see them at night in the dark before I go to sleep.

My healing room has two windows. The south wall of the space has three large windows and there is one small window on the east side of the room. The room is full of bright indirect light on sunny days, even with the thick double white curtains pulled closed. In the various healing states that I navigate through during a healing, the most common visible phenomenon I see are the white lights of the Universal Energy Field. During my healings the lights are like little spiraling fireflies flashing bright for a second then fading out. Sometimes the sparkles fill the whole room. It’s nice to see when I’m in a deeper state of consciousness, kind of comforting. Sometimes, too, I just see the squiggle and not the light, like the room is full of dancing gnats.

Everyone can learn to see the universal energy field if they are open to it. A great way is to lie down or sit comfortably outside and look up at the sky. Make sure the sunlight is not shining directly in your face, so your eye and facial muscles can relax. Then just relax, wait and enjoy the moment. As Richard Bartlett says “Notice what you notice.” Suddenly, you will just see it.

I’ve shown my clients and Reiki students the Universal Energy Field.  It’s usually very easy to see right after you’ve had a healing. I still find it thrilling that here is this phenomenon of energy right in front of us and all we have to do is open up to it.

After your next Healing, see if you can see the Universal Energy Field.

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