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Healing, Self-Tuning and the Ocarina, Part One

Sometimes in a healing session, I become aware of my client’s energy field as a collection of frequencies that are subtly harmonizing. Every time I change my hand position, I sense a different tone. It’s like I am feeling sound. My clients are tuning themselves in the sacred space.

Outside of my healing room, I have become fascinated with the medicinal effects of sound on my energy field and the ocarina. I’ve been playing the ocarina as a meditation, exploring how specific tones affect me.

After sitting and silently meditating, I often just play one long, slow note on an ocarina that sounds good to me. I then relax into the stillness afterward. I notice if I feel anything different in my physical body, if I feel differently emotionally, or if the space around me has shifted. It has been an incredible practice.

Because the ocarina is a wind instrument, my breath becomes a connection between the inside of my body and the outside. Playing the ocarina has helped me become more sensitive to energy in my healing practice. It also feels so good. It’s so soothing and grounding.

My obsession with the ocarina started at the end of 2014. Before that, I had never even heard of an ocarina. I started watching every ocarina YouTube video, researching all the ocarina maker’s websites and buying them online. I returned quite a few. I can’t tell you how many times I wished there was an ocarina store in the Bay area.

This ocarina, the Seedpod Ocarina Tenor G was the first ocarina I found that made my body resonate with the first breath. It is so easy to play. If you are not a musician and are interested in meditating with a wind instrument, this is the ocarina I recommend. Of course, you can also use a native American flute. The Seedpod Tenor G cost under $50.00. You can get it through Songbird Ocarina in Los Angeles, a fantastic company.

The next ocarina I fell in love with was also from Songbird Ocarina: The Seedpod Ocarina Bass C. Of all the ocarinas I have, this is the one I play the most often. For me, bass tones create even more healing vibration in my body.

I am a full-time healer, and I am in an altered or healing state about fifteen to twenty hours a week. The only way I can maintain my healing practice at this rate is to stay grounded. My daily meditation and ocarina playing have been the most efficient way for me to do this.

The best thing about self-tuning with the ocarina is that it feels amazing. Try it.

Jeri Lawson has a full-time healing practice in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California. She is available for Healing Touch, Reiki, Distance Healings and Clarity Breathwork sessions Monday through Thursday, 10 am to 6 pm. 510-601-9632

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